Easy Fat Quarter Pet Food Mat

With a new kitten in the house, I needed to whip up a new cat foot mat (they’re quickly thrown in the wash to referesh them). They’re extremely simple to make and will only take 10 minutes.

Fold your fat quarter in half across it’s longest side. Press the centre so you’re left with a line to work with.
Cut straight across the line with your rotary cutter (or scissors). You’ll be left with two identically sized pieces.
Place the two pieces right sides together and top with your wadding.
Pin all layers together.
Sew a 1/4 inch seam around the entire project, leaving a 3 inch gap for turning.
Clip the corners and turn right side out, then press flat.
Turn right side out, poke out the corners and give the mat a press.
Turn under the gap you left open and clip.
Top-stitch around the entire mat. This closes up the gap and gives a nice finished edge to the mat.
There we go. Super-simple. Fully washable. And your floor will remain free from bits of cat food!

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